Past Exhibition
Dec 1, 2019 - Jan 27, 2020
Monique Rollins
Monique Rollins: BEYOND is an exclusive solo exhibition which presents multiple series and mediums of the artist’s abstract creations, including her representative collage works, oil paintings, and charcoal drawings. The exhibition mainly features her recent works over the last two years.
Rollins’ works of art are lyrical combinations of her thoughts, emotions, and spirituality on our changeable lives and complicated humanities. Each artwork is a sincere statement from the artist and a chance to view the world from her very unique, straightforward lens. Rollins bases her art practice on creative investigation, constant exploration, pushing the comfort zones, and always being true to one’s self.
Apart from her masterful skills and techniques of her use of colors, lines, shapes, and textures, Monique’s works transcend technical excellence and traditional art ideals. Fundamentally, the artworks go beyond. Rollins records her experiences and reflections, her own life’s journey via art. In the past two years, she has exhibited in Beijing, China, New York, United States, Venice, Italy, Kiev, Ukraine, and Seoul, Korea. As a world citizen, through her curiosity, respect and appreciation of diversity and a profound belief in a common humanity, Rollins manages to absorb the essence of every culture. Although her artworks reference and celebrate different geographies, they all seem to reflect on and reinforce the threads of a universal humanity. She is engaged and inspired by the endless beauty of the world we are living in.
In 2015, Internationally acclaimed Chinese artist and IU Residence founder, Ms. Cui Xiuwen, invited Monique to the IU artist residence program in Beijing. The IU residence had a profound influence on Monique’s creative investigation and her artworks. Monique’s exposure in China and Cui Xiuwen gracious hospitality and friendship offered Monique a unique opportunity to know and understand the vast Asian philosophy and aesthetic. The incredible experience in Beijing inspired the artist to start working on abstract collages, which later become a milestone on her artistic path.
The curves in Monique’s works are like life’s ups and downs, records of personal happenings or experiences, or movements and exploration of the spirit. Her bold personality and spirit of optimism can be seen from the canvas.
Beyond the artist’s personal experiences, expressions, and existence, Monique reminds people to keep faith in love and hope. Thus, this exhibition is divided into three chapters according to the themes and mediums, trying to show the journey to the audience and encourage people to gain new energies and perspectives from it.
Bosco (Woods), 2019, Oil on canvas, 71 x 59 in
Beauty of Movement, Oil on canvas, 71 x 59 in
Harmony Red, 2019, Oil on canvas, 71 x 59 in
Love Rollercoaster, 2018, Oil on canvas, 71 x 59 in
Taking a Breath, 2019, Oil on canvas, 71 x 59 in
Primavera Blue, 2019, Acrylic and paper collage on canvas, 64 x 95 in
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